Here we provide you with further information on our bond funds.
The Dollar Bond Five is a bond fund with fixed maturity on 30th June 2022. The manager aims at building a global portfolio of investment grade corporate and sovereign bonds issued in USD. The portfolio will be well diversified across issuers, regions and sectors. Principal goal is the preservation of capital by avoiding default risks and keeping volatility low. Bonds will therefore be picked subject to strong balance sheets, cash flows and high credit worthiness. The asset allocation is does not follow the composition of a benchmark but is highly flexible.
Name | Wiener Privatbank European Property |
Fund management | MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH |
Fund manager | Birgit Ulbing, CEFA |
ISIN | AT0000A0EAM7 (A), AT0000A0EAN5 (T), AT0000A0ETN5 (V) |
Typ of fund | Jointly owned fund pursuant to sec 20 InvFG |
Fund financial year | 01/11 bis 31/10 |
Entry charge | 9.0% |
Redemption fee | 3.0% |
Ongoing charges | 1.25% p.a. |
Investment company | Semper Constantia Invest GmbH |
Custodian bank | Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft |
Fund sales | Wiener Privatbank SE |
Legal notice
This is a marketing communication which is intended solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell fund shares. Our analyses and deductions are of a general nature and do not take into account individual requirements regarding yield, tax situation or risk profile. References to past performance of the individual funds do not necessarily guarantee positive developments in the future. We take no liability regarding completeness or correctness of the herein rendered information. Tax treatment depends on the investor‘s personal tax position and may change in the future. For more detailed information on these aspects, it is preferable to contact a tax consultant.
The prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) as well as the annual and semi-annual report are available for download in German language. These documents are available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and at the depository bank, Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna.
Data source: CPB Software AG, Bloomberg, Semper Constantia Invest GmbH.
Given that the fund invests mainly in bonds, the capital investment fund is subject primarily to market risk, which may negatively impact the share value. Other risks such as credit risk, counterparty risk and custody risk as well as operational risk and risk arising from the use of derivatives may apply as well. For a more detailed and full description of the individual types of risks, please refer to the prospectus. Performance calculations are based on data provided by the depositary bank.
Competent regulatory authority: