Core activity: Credit institution in accordance with Sec 1 (1) Federal Banking Act
Management Board:
Christoph Raninger, PhD - Chief Executive Officer
Eduard Berger, Member of the Board
Supervisory Board:
Gottwald Kranebitter, President
Johann Kowar, Deputy-President
Günter Kerbler
Heinz Meidlinger
Member of the Austrian Association of Banks and BankersMember of the Vienna Economic Chamber, Bank and Bankers SectionSupervisory authority responsible: Financial Market Authority, Banking and Securities Supervision Division, 1090 Vienna, Otto-Wagner-Platz 5, www.fma.gv.atRegister number: DVR 0812102 VAT identification number: UID ATU59070249 Commercial register number: FN 84890p Vienna Commercial CourtBIC: WIPBATWWLegal information pursuant to sec. 24 Austrian Media Act and service provider information pursuant to sec. 5 (1) E-Commerce ActOwned and published by:Wiener Privatbank SE Parkring 12 1010 Vienna
Governing bodies
Management Board:
Christoph Raninger, PhD - Chief Executive Officer
Eduard Berger, Member of the Board
Supervisory Board:
Gottwald Kranebitter, President
Johann Kowar, Deputy-President
Günter Kerbler
Heinz Meidlinger
Shareholder structure
Statement on basic content
Information on the products and services provided by Wiener Privatbank SE.
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This website is solely intended to provide information and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell financial instruments. The respectively valid prospectus is available for inspection at the issuer's premises and at Wiener Privatbank SE. Past performance is not a reliable indicator for the projection or prediction of future developments. It should be noted that the information provided on this website is only of a general nature, does not take into account the individual investor's tax situation and can change at any time as a result of legal changes or administrative practice. For in-depth information, a tax advisor should therefore be contacted.
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