Fund of funds

On this web page we provide more information on our fund of funds.

Wiener Privatbank Premium Conservative

Wiener Privatbank Premium Konservativ (Conservative) is a mixed fund of funds seeking to generate current income over the long term while tolerating increased risks. Only securities within the meaning of the Austrian Investment Fund Act (InvFG) read in conjunction with section 25 of the Austrian Pension Fund Act (PKG) and section 14 of the Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG) as amended may be acquired for this fund. At least 70% of the managed assets are invested in bond funds (internationally operating government and corporate bond funds). In addition to investing in bond funds, the fund may also invest up to 30% in equities. All in all, at least 70% of the fund’s assets are invested in euro-based assets.


Name Wiener Privatbank Premium Konservativ 
Funds management MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH
Funds manager Barbara Katzdobler, CPM
ISIN AT0000A1X150 (A), AT0000675814 (T)
Typ of fund Jointly owned fund pursuant to sec 20 InvFG 1993
(sec 2 paras 1 and 2 InvFG 2011)
Fund financial year 06/01 to 05/31
Value of share 05/27/2021: (A) 12,69
Entry charge up to 5.0% 
Ongoing charges 2.56% p.a.
Recommended holding term at least 5 years
Custodian bank Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft 
Investment company Semper Constantia Invest GmbH
Fund sales Wiener Privatbank SE

Legal notice
This marketing communication is intended solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell fund shares. The prospectus was published in conformity with the provisions of InvFG 2011 (first published on 26 June 2002 in conformity with section 6 InvFG as amended in 1993) in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung”  and is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE, as well as available. The Key Investor Information Document (KID) as amended from time to time is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE. Given that the fund invests mainly in equities, the capital investment fund is subject primarily to market risk, which may negatively impact the share value. Other risks such as credit risk, counterparty risk and custody risk as well as operational risk and risk arising from the use of derivatives may apply as well. For a more detailed and full description of the individual types of risks, please refer to the prospectus. Performance calculations are based on data provided by the depositary bank and are in conformity with the method used by OeKB, assuming a reinvestment of income and deducting all costs except for the entry charge. Tax treatment depends on the investor's personal tax position and may change in the future. For more detailed information on these aspects, it is preferable to contact a tax consultant.

Competent regulatory authority:

Wiener Privatbank Premium Balanced

Wiener Privatbank Premium Ausgewogen (Balanced) is a mixed fund of funds seeking long-term value growth and current income while tolerating higher risks. Only securities within the meaning of the Austrian Investment Fund Act (InvFG) read in conjunction with section 25 of the Austrian Pension Fund Act (PKG) and section 14 of the Austrian Income Tax Act (EStG) as amended may be acquired for this investment fund. Combined with other similar investments contained in the fund assets, euro-denominated investments held indirectly via shares in the fund have to account for at least 70% of the fund assets.  The fund invests in bonds and convertible bonds (between at least 50% and no more than 70% of the fund assets), which may also include bonds issued by companies not domiciled in the EU or non-EU countries. The remaining assets (between at least 30% and no more than 50%) are invested in equities and equity funds, with a focus on blue chips and a portfolio diversified in terms of regional distribution.


Name Wiener Privatbank Premium Ausgewogen
Fund management MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH
Fund manager Florian Rainer
ISIN AT0000A1X143 (A), AT0000675798 (T)
Typ of fund Jointly owned fund pursuant to sec 20 InvFG 1993
(sec 2 paras 1 and 2 InvFG 2011)
Fund financial year 06/01 to 05/31
Value of share 05/27/2021: (A) 12,69
Entry charge up to 5.0% 
Ongoing charges 2.65% p.a. 
Recommended holding term at least 7 years
Investment company Semper Constantia Invest GmbH 
Custodian bank Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft 
Fund sales Wiener Privatbank SE

Legal notice
This marketing communication is intended solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell fund shares. The prospectus was published in conformity with the provisions of InvFG 2011 (first published on 26 June 2002 in conformity with section 6 InvFG as amended in 1993) in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung”  and is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE, as well as available for . The Key Investor Information Document (KID) as amended from time to time is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE, as well as available for . Given that the fund invests mainly in equities, the capital investment fund is subject primarily to market risk, which may negatively impact the share value. Other risks such as credit risk, counterparty risk and custody risk as well as operational risk and risk arising from the use of derivatives may apply as well. For a more detailed and full description of the individual types of risks, please refer to the prospectus. Performance calculations are based on data provided by the depositary bank and are in conformity with the method used by OeKB, assuming a reinvestment of income and deducting all costs except for the entry charge. Tax treatment depends on the investor's personal tax position and may change in the future. For more detailed information on these aspects, it is preferable to contact a tax consultant.

Wiener Privatbank Premium Dynamic

The investment objective of Wiener Privatbank Premium Dynamisch (Dynamic) is capital appreciation, in return for higher risk tolerance. The focus of investments (at least 70%) is on equity funds. The portfolio is widely diversified as regards regional distribution as well as company sizes and management styles. Tactical asset allocation may result in concentrations both in terms of company size and regional distribution. Adding sectoral funds that may feature increased volatility is admissible in an effort to increase capital returns


Name Wiener Privatbank Premium Dynamisch
Fund management MATEJKA & PARTNER Asset Management GmbH
Fund manager Mag. Florian Rainer
ISIN AT0000675806 (A) 
Typ of fund Jointly owned fund pursuant to sec 20 InvFG 1993
(sec 2 paras 1 and 2 InvFG 2011)
Fund financial year 06/01 to 05/31
Value of share 06/30/2016: (A) 13.91
Entry charge up to 5.0% 
Ongoing charges 3.21% p.a. 
Recommended holding term at least 8 years
Investment company Semper Constantia Invest GmbH 
Custodian bank Semper Constantia Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft
Fund sales Wiener Privatbank SE

Legal notice
This marketing communication is intended solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to buy or sell fund shares. The prospectus was published in conformity with the provisions of InvFG 2011 (first published on 26 June 2002 in conformity with section 6 InvFG as amended in 1993) in the official gazette “Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung”  and is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE, as well as available for . The Key Investor Information Document (KID) as amended from time to time is available for inspection at Semper Constantia Invest GmbH, Heßgasse 1, 1010 Vienna and Wiener Privatbank SE, as well as available for . Given that the fund invests mainly in equities, the capital investment fund is subject primarily to market risk, which may negatively impact the share value. Other risks such as credit risk, counterparty risk and custody risk as well as operational risk and risk arising from the use of derivatives may apply as well. For a more detailed and full description of the individual types of risks, please refer to the prospectus. Performance calculations are based on data provided by the depositary bank and are in conformity with the method used by OeKB, assuming a reinvestment of income and deducting all costs except for the entry charge. Tax treatment depends on the investor's personal tax position and may change in the future. For more detailed information on these aspects, it is preferable to contact a tax consultant.